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Grapevine Best Cosmetology Schools

If you’re searching for the Grapevine best cosmetology schools, look no further than Michael’s Barber & Hair Stylist Academy. We offer cosmetology classes in Grapevine TX that will prepare you for a career as a cosmetologist and barber. Our best cosmetology schools in Grapevine TX are well recognized in Texas and beyond as we are licensed, accredited and have produced many skilled barbers since our opening in 2015.

To learn more about enrolling in our cosmetology colleges in Grapevine TX, contact us today. We’ll be happy to walk you through our programs and explain our financial aid packages. We try to make our Grapevine cosmetology classes affordable and attainable for all students.

Benefits of Choosing Our Cosmetology Classes in Grapevine TX

If you’ve always wanted to become a barber and already have a cosmetology license, our cosmetology operator to Class A barber course will be the right fit. When you graduate from our Grapevine best cosmetology schools, you’ll be able to practice both cosmetology and barber services. This will allow you to offer more services and make more money.

Here are some of the reasons why we’re the best cosmetology schools in Grapevine TX:


  • Skilled instructors who have passion for what they do

  • Clean, bright environment that is easy to learn in

  • Modern tools and gadgets in good condition

  • Comprehensive Grapevine cosmetology classes - we’ll teach you all barber laws, facial treatments, hair cutting, hair coloring, etc.

  • Financial aid packages available

  • Accessible location with a diverse clientele and public transportation

Apply Today to Our Grapevine Cosmetology Colleges

Applying to our cosmetology colleges in Grapevine TX is easy. Contact us today to learn more about our programs or fill out an enrollment application online. Our Grapevine cosmetology colleges will provide you with the skills and knowledge to be an exceptional barber and cosmetologist. With our licensed, accredited programs, our graduates do very well.

Ready to apply to the Grapevine best cosmetology schools? Contact Michael’s Barber & Hair Stylist Academy today.

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